The first time I heard of android OS was way back in 2009 probably the early days of android. I still remember the salesman trying to convince me to buy a java or symbian phone. I just ignored his suggestion and went on to buy the Samsung Galaxy Spica. It was a beautiful phone and more importantly the first android phone in India. I felt like I was carrying a laptop in my hand with the android cupcake on it. LOL!
Galaxy Spica with those beautiful red accents |
I explored all new launchers then and was amazed at how fast the phone was. The more fascinating thing was the green robot seen all over the OS.
A year later Samsung came up with Galaxy Nexus S. And, I got mine as well. It was a gorgeous phone and more importantly a Nexus. As I kept using the phone I wanted more and more from my phone. Eventually I went online searching if I was the only one with these crazy ideas. To my surprise I was not the only one. There were quite a few. There's a website for all these crazy fellas. It was 'XDA Developers'
I wanted to customize the status bar, the drop down menu, options, fonts and many more. I was a crazy fan of the Sonysketch font and I could put it on my phone myself. How cool is that! Thanks to Cyanogenmod. I could do a lot what my friends couldn't do on their phones. Felt like God! Then my OCD even kicked in further. I wanted a white background in the menus everywhere and also wanted similar sized icons everywhere. I went searching and found MIUI. It was like a one time solution. Everything was more organized. But the drawback was that it was a chinese startup and many translations sucked big time. They still do at few places like it still says 1 missed calls.
I kept switching between Cyanogemod and MIUI until one fine day when I madly fell in love with the android lollipop. I felt like it was the solution to everything. The awesome Material design and the subtle animations. Yeah, it is not the penultimate. You can not still choose how the status bar looks, can't change the themes and also cannot change the power button menu and more. But, those are things I would now trade off for a more secure phone.
As the stock android started getting better and these custom ROM giants also came out with their own hardware or collaborated with other companies and brought out low range phones with the ROMs which once I thought were on a whole different level, I felt like it was no more a cult thing. Hence, my choice of OS shifted from the custom ROMs to stock android.
Even though I am not using a android phone right now, I am waiting for Project Ara aka Phonebloks to become a reality. It's just awesome and a whole different level. I would ditch my iPhone 6 plus the very moment I could get one ARA phone.
Project Ara very close to reality than you can imagine! |
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