Just another day goes by and another person passes a comment against doctors. A high ranked politician says he will chop off the hands of doctors who are corrupt. I totally agree with him that it's not fair to take bribe or be negligent. That doesn't mean every doctor is corrupt. You can't say things like that especially when there are so many people following you. Those may be just the words for him. But those words may turn out to be the inspiring words for someone. What if that person turns out to be a mentally unstable person? Who would be responsible then? About an year ago, a famous actor who proclaims to be a perfectionist gives a speech in his program faking his tears and says no doctor should take fee and should be selfless. As a doctor every person always thinks or tries to do his best for his patient. The cause of failure may be numerous. The lack of knowledge because of his busy schedule trying to make his ends meet, the lack ...
This movie isn't very different from the previous Spider-Man but Andrew Garfield didn't look as gay as Tobey Maguire. The movie didn't definitely change Spider-Man as much as Christopher Nolan has changed Batman. 3D effects were good. The same old story, no surprises there. Overall a 6/10. Onetime watch.
Its been a very long time since I wrote something. A lot of mixed feelings about what's happening around the medical field. Making the RMPs and PMPs legal in one state and introduction of a KPME act in another state. These two coming from two states that produce the maximum number of doctors each year. I'll just put my thoughts here. I won't take sides and you be the judge. Let's talk about what's happening in my state first. Almost 10 years of struggle, you give up playing sports you love, you be one of the best in the class and learn and remember every thing, have sleepless nights, survive on just coffee, wash your eyes every hour just to stay awake so that you pass your exams in flying colors and become a doctor. The feeling at the end of your post graduation to get that special title Dr before your name is immense. Till then you are a part of the institute that's nurturing You, grooming you and training you to become what you would be for the rest of...
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